Solid Move by Vietnam-Cambodia Business Association Appreciated

Senior Minister H.E. Ly Thuch highly values the role of the Vietnam-Cambodia Business Association (VCBA) as a networking mechanism among Vietnamese enterprises and investors in Cambodia to grease both bilateral and multilateral trade.

The senior minister made the highlights when co-chairing the VCBA work progress review and planning with the Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Nguyen Huy Tang, on July 30 in Phnom Penh.

The active role of VCBA, he added, has eventually expanded Vietnamese investment in Cambodia and increased the country’s markets in Vietnam and other countries.

H.E. Nguyen Huy Tang echoed the impressions of H.E. Ly Thuch, encouraging the association to attract more Vietnamese investments to Cambodia.

Looking ahead, VCBA Permanent Vice President and General Secretary Mr. Heng Li Hong unveiled that the association will focus on maintaining intimate solidarity among its members, expanding its membership, and initiating trade promotion events.

Since launching its official operation in Ca
mbodia on Jan. 30, 2024, the association has also raised funds to repair schools and other charity activities and coordinate free medical examinations and treatment for disadvantaged people in Cambodia.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse