GIZ Launches Support for Cambodia’s Solid Waste Management

Phnom Penh: The German development agency GIZ in Cambodia has kick-started a project to join hands with the Ministry of Environment to promote sustainable solid waste management. The rollout of the so-called Green Growth Initiative for Circular Economy for Cambodia Project was formalised here on Jan. 20 with a signing event in Phnom Penh by Environment Secretary of State H.E. Sabo Ojano and Director of GIZ in Cambodia Mr. Gunter Riethmacher.

According to Agence Kampuchea Presse, Minister of Environment H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth said that the project is well aligned with the ongoing endeavour of the ministry to sustainably manage solid waste in Cambodia. He stated, ‘We have not only established a formal partnership, but we have also strengthened our commitment to creating a sustainable working model for managing solid waste and reducing the amount of waste that needs to be collected and transported to landfills. These efforts will lead to a cleaner, more beautiful, and more comfortable city.’

H.E. Dr. Eang Sophalleth added that the ministry is now focusing on waste separation and recycling to reduce pollution while increasing opportunities for additional income in schools and waste recycling businesses.