Public and private sectors of Cambodia and Thailand joined hands to advance water rescue skills among competent Cambodian authorities in Preah Sihanouk province. Deputy Governor of Preah Sihanouk province H.E. Mang Sineth and Ambassador of Thailand to Cambodia H.E. Cherdkiat Atthakor presided over the opening of the five-day training on Mar. 13 at the coastal city. The training was made possible through a collaboration among Preah Sihanouk provincial authority, Thai Embassy in Cambodia, Thai navy, Bangkok Hospital, and Royal Phnom Penh Hospital. Trainers with strong knowledge, skills and experience especially from the Thai Navy and Bangkok Hospital ran the training covering both theoretical and practical parts. It aimed at further strengthening water rescue skills among Cambodian authorities to effectively secure safety of sea victims and respond well to emergency situations. Preah Sihanouk province was identified for the training because it stands as a trading and tourism centre and the most popular place for international and regional events including water sports that require high security preparation. It was also part of Cambodia-Thailand tourism cooperation under the motto of 'Two Kingdoms, One Destination'.
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse