More than 4,000 journalists have so far registered to attend the upcoming Gathering between Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen and journalists.
The figures were shared by the Ministry of Information’s General Department of Information and Broadcasting (INB).
The registered journalists are 13 associations and organisations, a representative office of foreign news agency, 328 online websites and TV, 54 newspapers and magazines, 15 TV stations, 17 radio stations, 63 spokespersons and management of different ministries and institutions, the source pointed out.
Moreover, it added, information officials from the Phnom Penh’s district administrations, Cambodian People’s Party website’s working group, National Election Committee (NEC)’s Information and Public Relations Department, the five General Departments of the Ministry of Information, Department of Media and Communication (DMC)’s students, and so on will also join the annual event, which was postponed in the past two years due to COVID-19 outbreak.
The 5th Gathering between the Premier and journalists is scheduled for Jan. 14, 2023 at Koh Pich Convention and Exhibition Centre, Phnom Penh.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press