MPWT Starts to Use Robots in Checking Sewage System

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has begun to use robots in checking sewage system, a move of replacing men in work.

H.E. Sun Chanthol, Senior Minister and Minister of MPWT, led a group of relevant officials to inspect roads and sewage system in Siem Reap city, Siem Reap province on Sept. 13.

The use of robots to monitor the sewer system is a modern technology that comes with the camera to see the real situation of the internal sewage system, such as congestion or damage in order to timely take action, the ministry said.

The use of robots is not something new in the world, but it is a new technology that Cambodia needs in carrying out public works – drainage and sewage systems, the ministry stated.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press