Palm leaf hats, used by Khmer people since ancient times, remain popular, especially in Angkor Archaeological Park as well as other tourism sites in Siem Reap province.
Cambodians and foreigners still value palm leaf hats, and they feel the Cambodian national identity of ancient Khmer when wearing them.
Ms. Kong Mom, a palm leaf seller in front of Angkor Wat Temple, said she sold from 20 to 40 hats for normal days and from 50 to nearly 100 hats during events like the Khmer New Year.
The hat is popular among both Cambodians and foreigners, and foreigners bought the hats for either wearing them or as souvenirs, she added.
Another seller boy, Cheat Boy, said that he can sell from 50 to 70 hats a day during the Khmer New Year celebration.
Widely accessible at a reasonable price, the hat not only helps protect against harsh sunlight but also makes users look good.
The palm tree is an identity of Cambodia’s territorial landscape, and it was classified as a symbolic plant of Cambodia in 2005.
In addition to
material for the hat, the tree can be used to make boats and houses, and its products can be served for various dishes and ingredients.
Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse