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CTB’s Diversified Composition to Strengthen Public-Private Partnership in Promoting Cambodia’s Tourism Potential

The official composition of the Cambodia Tourism Marketing and Promotion Board (CTB) was appointed on June 27 by Prime Minister Samdech Moha Borvor Thipadei Hun Manet. This appointment was made following the Royal Government's Sub-Decree on the "Revision of the Sub-decree on the Organisation and Functioning of the Cambodia Tourism Marketing and Promotion Board" dated Feb. 6, 2024, with the aim of encouraging cooperation between public and private partnerships in promoting Cambodia's tourism to the international markets, in accordance with the principles of collective thinking and practice with responsibility, said the Ministry of Tourism in a press release AKP received on Sunday. The composition of the CTB consists of representatives from 8 public institutions, with the Minister of Tourism as the Chairman, and 7 private sectors who hold significant roles in the tourism field, the source pointing out, adding that this diversified composition of 15 institutions reflects the comprehensive thinking and full pa rticipation in strengthening partnerships and cooperation between the public and private sectors to jointly promote the attractiveness and competitiveness of Cambodia, find a holistic solution to the challenges in the tourism sector, and achieve specific developmental objectives. The revision of this mechanism has proceeded through several stages of in- depth discussion and consultation with the private sector and key stakeholders, under the direct leadership of H.E. Sok Soken, Minister of Tourism, and ongoing guidance from Samdech Thipadei Prime Minister, the press release underlined. 'The CTB will act as a facilitative and receptive platform, enabling the private sector to fully collaborate with the Royal Government in accordance with the principle of 'think together, act together and take responsibility together,' both in funding, technical and conceptual contributions, to promote the development of Cambodia's tourism sector, aligning with the rapidly evolving global and regional tourism trends that requ ires high flexibility to ensure the sector's development remains sustainable, inclusive and resilient,' it said. The launch of the CTB marks an important milestone in advancing the tourism's strategic initiative "BUILD + 3Ds" and contributes to the tourism vision in the Pentagonal Strategy Phase I of the 7th Mandate Royal Government, which is to turn Cambodia into a leading and vibrant tourism destination. Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse