Cambodia has earned three medals – two silver and one bronze – at different matches held last Saturday as part of the 7th Ju-Jitsu Asian Championship in Thailand, according to Mr. Sean Sopheak, Secretary General of Ju-Jitsu Federation of Cambodia.
The silver medalists are Mr. Sar Sophanuth and Ms. Tin Sovanlinna for Show Mixed; and for Show Female are Ms. Tin Sovanlinna and Ms. Heng Sivheang; while the bronze medalists are Mr. Touch Pikakda and Mr. Kongmona Mithora for Show Male, emphasied the secretary general.
Taking place from Feb. 24 to 28 in Bangkok, the tournament is attracting the participation of over 500 athletes from 30 countries in Asian continent.
Mr. Sean Sopheak was positive that the event will help further sharpen the capacity of Cambodian Ju-Jitsu athletes for the 32nd SEA Games 2023 to be hosted by Cambodia.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press