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67 Cambodian Engineers Recipients of Medals of Honour from AFEO

A total of 67 engineers and construction companies in Cambodia who have excelled in the field of engineering received honorary medals from the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisation (AFEO).

The awarding ceremony took place at the closing ceremony of the 40th Conference of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (CAFEO 40), which was held here yesterday under the chairmanship of Minister of Labour and Vocational Training H.E. Ith Samheng.

H.E. Sokhom Rithivuth, Secretary-General of the Board of Engineers of Cambodia, stated that the Sub-Committee and the relevant technical working groups met and actively exchanged experiences with each other.

The ASEAN Engineers Registration Committee has registered: 71 ASEAN Young Engineers (31 from Cambodia) and 312 ASEAN Engineers (16 from Cambodia).

The Awards Committee honours dignitaries who have actively supported the engineering sector by participating in activities or finances, including companies and individuals who have excelled in the engineering activities.

The Minister congratulated the members of the AFEO and engineers or companies with outstanding achievements in the field of engineering.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press