The Malaysian Registrar of Societies (RoS) has deregistered over 3,000 organisations and associations due to various offences in a clean-up process carried out by the department since 2021, says its director-general Mohd Nawardi Saad.

He said among the offences committed by the associations were being inactive, not carrying out activities in accordance with their respective constitutions, as well as disputes or internal issues involving members.

"We will continue this process from time to time to ensure that the goal of establishing the respective associations is achieved, in addition to ensuring that there are no illegal movements behind the establishment of the associations," he said.

Mohd Nawardi was speaking to reporters after officiating the closing ceremony of an RoS Care programme which was also attended by Melaka RoS director Nurhafidah Ali.

Earlier, he said the RoS had approved grant applications for 831 registered associations which involved an allocation of over RM8 million so far, out of the total allocation of RM10 million provided by the government for the first phase of the initiative.

He said for Melaka, RoS had approved the applications of 76 organisations with grants totalling RM760,000.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency