Local authorities need to ensure that all construction contractors engaged in renovations are registered with the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB).

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said they also need to ensure that contractors have the contractor registration certificate as currently it has yet to be enforced even though the condition has been agreed upon with the Local Government Development Ministry.

"Sometimes renovations are done by contractors who aren’t registered with the CIDB and worse, they lack certain skills that cause a drop in the quality of work… and those who suffer losses are users, home owners who spend their money only to get unsatisfactory work. That’s why contractors doing renovations need to be registered,” he said during his speech at the fourth Malay Bumiputera Contractors Association of Malaysia (PKBM) annual general meeting and the Young Bumiputera Contractors convention dinner at World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur tonight.

With the mandatory registration of contractors with CIDB, the quality of work would be ensured, and only qualified contractors would be used, putting a stop to foreign workers doing such renovations on their own.

Fadillah also presented the Excellent Young Contractor Award to six contractors from the association.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency