FAO to Further Promote Cambodia’s Gender Equality in Workforce

Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations is committed to help promote Cambodia's gender equality in the workforce.

The commitment was made by Ms. Rebekah Bell, the new Representative of FAO in Cambodia in a meeting with H.E. Dr. Ing Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women's Affairs here in Phnom Penh early this week.

Ms. Rebekah Bell spoke highly of the good collaboration between Cambodia and FAO in all sectors, including gender equality mainstreaming.

The FAO representative affirmed that the organisation will continue assisting the Royal Government of Cambodia and the Ministry of Women's Affairs to further promote more women in Cambodia's workforce.

She also pledged to help further improve the people's living conditions through training provision to families' members, especially to women on skills in agriculture, nutrition, digital technology, and beyond.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press