A total of 247 trainees from the asnaf group successfully completed training in various fields, paving the way for them to enter the industries as skilled workers.

Their success was celebrated at the 2nd MAIWP Skills Training Graduation and Appreciation Ceremony today, which was attended by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar, Federal Territories Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) chairman Tan Sri Mohd Daud Bakar and MAIWP acting chief executive officer Mohd Nizam Yahya.

Speaking at a press conference after the ceremony, Mohd Na’im said all trainees had completed industrial training at 10 agencies in various fields.

“This is part of MAIWP’s efforts to empower the children of asnaf (tithe recipients) so that they can enhance their own lives and the lives of their families.

“Thanks to the generous donations of zakat payers in the Federal Territories, the asnaf children have successfully completed their skills training. Without this critical aid, the future of these children would be uncertain,” he said.

Mohd Na’im said that MAIWP has established strategic cooperation with 21 industry players in various fields, including construction, welding, electrical, automotive and aviation.

Thus, he invited other industry players to cooperate with the agency to help bring the asnaf group out of poverty.

Earlier in his speech, Mohd Na’im said that from January to June 30 this year, MAIWP had distributed zakat worth RM420 million to asnaf and the needy. Of that amount, RM7.4 million was spent on the industrial training programme.

A total of 154 of the 247 trainees who completed skills training attended today’s ceremony. The ten best trainees also received a consolation prize of RM500 each.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency