Schools Instructed to Close during SEA Games-ASEAN Para Games 2023

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has instructed all schools across the country to close their doors from April 20 to June 18, 2023 during the 32nd SEA Games and 12th ASEAN Para Games to be hosted by Cambodia.

The closure is aimed to contribute to ensuring public order, safety, and support to the forthcoming regional games, read a ministry’s letter signed on Mar. 22 by H.E. Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports.

The order concerns all early childhood education institutions and services, primary and secondary schools, technical education institutions, and higher education institutions, both public and private in the country.

Cambodia will host the 32nd SEA Games from May 5 to 17, 2023 and the 12th ASEAN Para Games from June 3 to 9, 2023.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse