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COVID-19: 330 New Cases; Tally 132,402

Cambodia registered 330 new infections of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), all of Omicron variant, of which 317 were locally transmitted and 13 were imported, according to a press release of the Ministry of Health issued this morning.

The Kingdom’s COVID-19 tally thus rose to 132,402, including 11,949 Omicron cases (10,940 Omicron community cases), it added.

In addition, it pointed out, the COVID-19 pandemic claimed another life, but 408 new recoveries were recorded; bringing the death toll and cured cases to 3,041 and 126,439, respectively.

The first COVID-19 case was detected in Cambodia in late January 2020 in Preah Sihanouk province.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press