Cambodian Senior Official Obtains with JICA President Award

H.E. Dr. Om Romny, Director General of the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), received the JICA President Award from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).

The award ceremony took place on Dec. 22 via online and off-line at ITC.

Ms. Kamei Haruko, Chief Representative of JICA Cambodia Office, offered the Award to Dr. Om Romny directly in that special event.

According to a JICA’s press release, JICA President Award was launched in 2004 to honour individuals and organisations who or which make significant contributions to socio-economic development and personnel training in developing countries.

H.E. Dr. Om Romny was selected as one of 42 awardees all over the world this year with the nomination by JICA Cambodia Office and other relevant departments, recognising his great cooperation and contribution for JICA’s activities for such a long time.

H.E. Dr. Om Romny was very excited that JICA has given “JICA President Award” to him this year, and he expressed his strong commitment to having close collaboration and cooperation between JICA and ITC and strengthening the good relationship between Cambodia and Japan.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press