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Cambodia, Vietnam to Strengthen Media Cooperation

Cambodia and Vietnam have vowed to foster their cooperation in the field of media for a better mutual understanding between their people, especially in the transition from analog to digital broadcasting.

The commitment was made by Cambodian Minister of Information H.E. Khieu Kanharith and newly appointed Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia H.E. Nguyen Huy Tang, during their courtesy meeting at the ministry yesterday.

H.E. Ambassador pledged to boost the exchange of visits between the management, officials of both countries’ Ministries of Information and between the journalists, as well as the exchange of information in order to combat fake news and respond to ill-will groups seeking to break the friendship and cooperation between the two neighbouring nations.

For his part, H.E. Khieu Kanharith thanked Vietnam for its support for the reconstruction and development of Cambodia, especially in the media sector through training and material and technical assistance.

H.E. Minister sought coordination from the Vietnamese side so that Cambodian media team can draw experience on the organisation of SEA Games hosted by Vietnam this year, and asked for cooperation from Vietnam when Cambodia hosts the SEA Games 2023.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press