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Cambodia to Foster Agricultural Collaboration with Vietnam

Cambodia and Vietnam are committed to foster agricultural collaboration between the two countries.

The commitment was made in a meeting between H.E. Veng Sakhon, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and H.E. Le Quoc Doanh, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam here in Phnom Penh recently.

H.E. Veng Sakhon spoke highly of bilateral cooperation between Cambodia and Vietnam, adding that many Vietnamese companies are operating in Cambodia, especially in agriculture.

Vietnam, continued the minister, is a big market for Cambodia's agricultural products such as paddy rice, cassava, corn, cashew nuts, mangoes, bananas and rubber.

From his end, H.E. Le Quoc Doanh lauded the good cooperation between the two countries' ministries driving remarkable trade volume among the two nations.

According to H.E. Le Quoc Doanh, for the first 11 months of 2021, Cambodia's agricultural exports to Vietnam valuated at US$3.73 billion, while its import from Vietnam was US$3.32 billion.

The meeting also touched on technical cooperation on sub-sector related to Sanitation and Phytosanitation (SPS), illegal cross-border forest and wildlife trading management and prevention, rubber cooperation and technical support for the aquaculture of fisheries sub-sector.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press