Actor Yoo Ah-in suspected of taking 2 more types of drugs

SEOUL, June 9 (Yonhap) -- Disgraced actor Yoo Ah-in is suspected of having taken at least two more kinds of drugs than previously known, police said Friday, referring him to the prosecution without detention for further investigation and possible indictment.

Yoo is charged with taking more than seven types of drugs in violation of the Narcotics Control Act, according to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency.

He was previously accused of using five different illegal drugs for nonmedical purposes -- propofol, marijuana, cocaine, ketamine and zolpidem. But his medical records obtained by police have raised suspicions that the actor took at least two more types of banned substances – midazolam, which is used for general anesthesia, and alprazolam, an insomnia medication.

The 37-year-old actor, whose real name is Uhm Hong-sik, has been under investigation after the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety said his prescription purchases of propofol for nonmedical purposes have been too frequent since 2021. Police have also investigated 20 others, including the actor's acquaintances, on suspicion of using drugs alongside Yoo or aiding him in his drug injections.

But a court rejected the police's request for an arrest warrant for Yoo late last month, saying he admitted to most of his charges and is unlikely to destroy evidence or flee.

Source: Yonhap News Agency