Japan summons S. Korean envoy to protest forced labor victim’s compensation acceptance from Hitachi Zosen
TOKYO/SEOUL, The Japanese government summoned Seoul’s top envoy to Tokyo on Wednesday to lodge a protest after the bereaved family
TOKYO/SEOUL, The Japanese government summoned Seoul’s top envoy to Tokyo on Wednesday to lodge a protest after the bereaved family
SEOUL, Scheduled surgeries have been reduced or delayed at five major general hospitals in Seoul, with signs of strain in
SEOUL, President Yoon Suk Yeol vowed Wednesday to make sweeping changes to regulations governing the use of “greenbelt” zones, or
SEOUL, South Korea will push to designate July 14 as an official day for North Korean defectors, Seoul’s point man
SEOUL, South Korean stocks finished lower Wednesday with investors waiting for the release of the minutes of the U.S. Federal
SEOUL, Major South Korean shipbuilder Hanwha Ocean Co. said Wednesday it swung to profit in 2023 amid a surge in
SEOUL, Patients vented frustration and complaints over delayed or postponed treatment schedules Wednesday as general hospital trainee doctors in Seoul
SEOUL, A joint team of South Korean and British soldiers and security personnel placed first in an international cyber defense
SEOUL, The main opposition Democratic Party (DP) is engulfed in factional tensions over candidate nominations for April’s general elections amid
SEOUL, NCT Wish, the fifth and last subunit of K-pop supergroup NCT, will make its debut performance on Wednesday in