Salt Association of Kampot and Kep ended this year’s salt season with 70,000 tonnes of salt, a lower yield than a year earlier.
Mr. Bun Narin, the association’s technical director, said that the production has been affected by unfavourable weather condition, causing the lower amount of salt production this year.
Anyway, the yielded amount this year is sufficient to meet the domestic demand, he underlined.
“Salt from the association is enough to supply the domestic market because it is for only daily use for food and in the fermented fish production,” Mr. Bun Narin said.
The salt prices range between 12,000 Riel (approximately US$3) and 13,000 Riel (about US$3.25) per sack of 50 kg.
The association has in total 4,748 hectares of salt fields in Kampot and Kep provinces. A hectare of salt field is capable to produce at least 20 tonnes per year.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press