Samsung Electronics Co. said Sunday it plans to unveil the design of the envisioned Galaxy Ring smart device at this week's Mobile World Congress in Spain. The showcase comes in line with Samsung Electronics' efforts to adopt artificial intelligence technologies in a wider array of devices to offer personalized health care experiences, the company said in a statement. "As part of this portfolio, the Galaxy Ring is being unveiled as a new health form factor that simplifies everyday wellness, supporting smarter and healthier living via a more connected digital wellness platform, Samsung Health," the company said. Samsung is set to display the latest ring-type device in three colors at the MWC, which will kick off Monday (Spain time) in Barcelona. The devices, however, will be presented within transparent boxes, limiting the hands-on experience for visitors. The new product was first teased during the Galaxy S24 Unpacked event held in California last month. The Galaxy Ring is anticipated to hit store shelv es during the second half of 2024. Source: Yonhap News Agency