Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen will enjoy the last day of boat race in Takhmao town, Kandal province this afternoon.
Kandal province is organising on Oct. 29-30 a boat race at Bassac River with the participation of registered 92 boats, to attract national and international tourists as well as to celebrate the upcoming Water Festival.
Besides boat race, there are lantern floating, firework display and a trade fair of 227 stalls as well as a concert to make the event more cheerful.
This year’s annual Water Festival, scheduled from Nov. 7 to 9, 2022, has been cancelled at the national level as the country is busy with the hosting of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits and Related Summits in Phnom Penh capital, but the celebrations at local level can be organised for entertainment and tourism purposes.
Apart from Kandal, some other provinces, including Kampong Cham and Battambang, have already organised their Water Festival celebrations.
The three-day Water Festival is one of the most joyful festivals in Cambodia. Generally, people across the country flock to Phnom Penh capital to enjoy the festival’s three main events: boat racing, Loy Pratip (the display of decorative lighted boats from different public institutions), Sampeas Preah Khe (Moon Festival) and Ok Ambok (a type of glutinous rice roasted and crushed with pestle eaten with banana or coconut juice).
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press