Pursat province was crowned No. 1 as the most popular tourism destination in the third week of October, receiving 137,737 of the registered visitors in the period, said the Ministry of Tourism in a report released yesterday.
Cambodia received in total 532,455 national and international visitors in the week of Oct. 17-23, of them 505,117 were national visitors and 27,338 were internal foreign tourists, it pointed out.
The provinces of Preah Sihanouk and Kratie came 2nd and 3rd as the most visited destinations, followed by Siem Reap province, Phnom Penh capital, and Kampot province, the report added.
The Ministry of Tourism attributed the growth in the number of domestic visitors to boat racing events organised by Pursat and Kratie provincial administrations and the launch of a one-month trial of Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville expressway.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press