French MP Calls on EU to Encourage Instead of Blaming Cambodia

H.E. Thierry MARIANI, a French Member of the European Parliament, has appealed to the European Union (EU) to encourage Cambodia in its progress instead of imposing a double standard policy against the Kingdom.

“Cambodia has a special bond with our continent. It is undoubtedly a country in Southeast Asia that has maintained the most relations, particularly with France. It would therefore be quite normal for the EU to have good relations with Phnom Penh. Yet the EU persists in refusing to maintain its correct relations with Cambodia while once again having a double standard,” he said in his speech on Cambodia at the European Parliament on May 4, 2022.

“In Vietnam, a neighboring country, we are signatories to a free trade agreement, that is no problem. Fundamental rights are much less advanced than in Cambodia and I don’t even dare to talk about the election conditions. But, on the other hand, in Cambodia, we are imposing sanctions, in Vietnam – we are signing a free trade agreement, once again a double standard,” underlined H.E. Thierry MARIANI

Of course, he continued, Cambodia has a good example of demonstrating the EU’s double standard in this matter. One can even wonder if part of the Left of the EU is not trying to erase its past friendship with the Khmer Rouge by attacking Cambodia. “Cambodia has real challenges ahead of it, in particular that of normalising the relationship between the state and the opposition parties. It is not by overwhelming it with sanctions that we will support this progress,” he said.

Moreover, he added, if the United Nations Human Rights Committee issued a periodic report critical of the country last March, it is clear that at least it is working with the political power of this country. National plan against violence against women, campaign to improve access to administrative identity, continuation of the trials against the Khmer Rouge, reforms of juvenile justice, establishment of a committee against torture. All is not excellent in the respect of human rights in Cambodia, but the reforms are at least on the right track.

“Let us try to encourage them instead of blaming them and being once again in this region as elsewhere in a double standard policy,” stressed H.E. Thierry MARIANI.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press