Ambassador of Cuba to Cambodia H.E. Ms. Liurka Rodríguez Barrios has extended her condolences over the passing of H.E. Ek Tha, Spokesperson of the Office of the Council of Ministers, Standing Vice Chairman of the Royal Government Spokesperson Unit (RGSU) and Advisor to the Ministry of Information.
“I have known of the passing by a heart attack of the great journalist and writer, Ek Tha. I would like to express my heartfelt condolences at this sad moment for your loss and wish to convey to your family, friends and the people of Cambodia, my deepest condolences,” the ambassador wrote in her condolence message dated Mar. 4.
“I would like to keep the memory of Mr. Ek Tha's visit to our embassy, as well as other exchanges, in which he always conveyed his admiration and respect for Cuba, as well as gratitude for the solidarity shared during more than 60 years of diplomatic ties,” she added.
“Ek Tha leaves valuable work. His texts on the history of Cambodia will always be a reference for future generations,” said H.E. Ms. Liurka Rodríguez Barrios.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press