Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has highlighted Cambodia's key strategic actions against COVID-19 pandemic to international community.
"For Cambodia, we have responded to this crisis energetically with a comprehensive strategy. In the fight against COVID-19, the Royal Government of Cambodia has identified vaccination as a key strategic measure, combined with three other measures including: (1) preventing and detecting infections in a timely manner, (2) strengthening the capacities for effective treatment and use of drugs and (3) thoroughly implementing administrative, health and legal measures, as well as attracting active participation from the public from all walks of life," he underlined in his written address at the virtual Global COVID-19 Summit, hosted by H.E. Joe Biden, President of the United States of America.
Concerning the socio-economy, the Royal Government has already introduced nine rounds of intervention measures to help stabilise businesses and the livelihood of citizens, especially workers-employees, poor families, as well as those vulnerable from the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis, he said.
As a result of the aforementioned efforts, Cambodia has become a country with a high vaccination rate. As of Sept. 22 2021, out of the total population, approximately 66 percent of the population aged 12 and above have been vaccinated. In addition, on Sept. 17 2021, the RGC decided to launch the vaccination campaign for children aged 6 to 12 and the booster shot vaccination campaign for all citizens aged 18 and above. On this basis, Cambodia has been gradually achieving the herd immunity as the cases of infection, illness and death have been declining remarkably.
For the way forward, Cambodia will continue to implement the measures of prevention, treatment and vaccination, as well as preparing a comprehensive risk-assessment framework to re-open full socio-economic activities, on a step-by-step approach and in a vigilant manner. Moreover, the RGC will continue to promote investments in the social sector, especially the strengthening of social protection and health systems, so as to respond timely and effectively to any pandemic that may happen in the future, he mentionned.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press