Some 116,819 domestic tourists were recorded in the first week of October, from Oct. 2 to 3, Minister of Tourism H.E. Thong Khon pointed out this morning.
The figure represents an increase by 14.46 percent compared to the previous weekend, underlined H.E. Minister.
Of the domestic visitors, 113,856 were national tourists, and 2,963 were foreign tourists, he added, stressing that the most visited tourism destination was Phnom Penh capital, followed by Kampot, Preah Sihanouk, Kep, Battambang, Kandal, Pursat, and Mondulkiri provinces.
All Provincial and Municipal Departments of Tourism have been actively promoting and implementing the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) introduced by the Ministry of Tourism to ensure the operation of the business tourism in the new normal and especially during Pchum Ben holiday.
Recently, Cambodia has supported local airline to prepare for reopening flights to welcome national and international passengers to the country with required safety guideline.
The Royal Government of Cambodia is working hard in fighting against COVID-19 and restoring the country’s tourism sector by putting forth a roadmap on tourism restoration and recovery during and after COVID-19, master plan for tourism development in Siem Reap and Mondulkiri provinces and strategic plan on safe tourism reopening amid COVID-19.
Source: Agency Kampuchea Press