CDC Approves Two Factory Projects of Almost US$6 Million

Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) has approved two new investment projects with a total capital of US$5.4 million in Phnom Penh capital and Kampong Speu province.

According to the council’s press release issued yesterday, the newly approved projects belong to Top Ningbo Fashion Co., Ltd., in Sangkat Roka Thom, Chbar Mon city, Kampong Speu province, and to King Lim (Cambodia) Co., Ltd., in Sangkat Phleung Chheh Roteh, Khan Kambol, Phnom Penh capital.

The first company will invest US$2.4 million for a garment factory, while the second will inject US$3 million for a label printing and garment accessories factory, the CDC pointed out.

The two newly-approved investment projects are expected to create a total of 827 jobs for the locals, added the same source.

Such investment demonstrates confidence of investors in Cambodia’s macroeconomic, political and social stability as the country is recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source: Agency Kampuchea Press