Cambodia Expects 220,000 New Jobs in 2024

Cambodia’s national economic growth for 2024 is expected to reach 6.6 percent and create about 220,000 new jobs, up 2.3 percent year on year.

The outlook was shared recently by the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training.

From 2024 to 2026, Cambodia will generate new jobs for 235,000 people on an annual average, and the total number of Cambodians employed will be 10.2 million by 2026.

The sub-sectors projected to offer most jobs are accommodation and catering, construction, industries, wholesale and retailers, garments, transport, and telecommunications.

Skills in high demand in the country are English and Chinese proficiency, technical skills, critical thinking and problem solving, communication, time management, client coordination, and beyond.

Source:Agence Kampuchea Presse