LIG Nex1 swings to black in Q4
SEOUL, LIG Nex1 Co. on Wednesday reported its fourth-quarter net income of 49.8 billion won (US$37.5 million), shifting from
SEOUL, LIG Nex1 Co. on Wednesday reported its fourth-quarter net income of 49.8 billion won (US$37.5 million), shifting from
SEOUL, Lotte Fine Chemical Co. on Wednesday reported its 2023 net profit of 182 billion won (US$137.1 million), up
SEOUL, Stage X, a local consortium recently picked as the new operator of South Korea’s fifth-generation network, said Wednesday
SEOUL, SK Chemicals Co. on Wednesday reported its 2023 net profit of 47.9 billion won (US$36.1 million), down 79.3
SEOUL, KCC Corp. on Wednesday reported its 2023 net income of 80.4 billion won (US$60.7 million), up 180.5 percent
SEOUL, BGF Retail Co. on Wednesday reported its 2023 net income of 195.8 billion won (US$147.5 million), up 1.2
SEOUL, KCC Corp. on Wednesday reported its fourth-quarter net profit of 17.3 billion won (US$13 million), down 78.3 percent
SEOUL, Lotte Chemical Corp. on Wednesday reported its 2023 net loss of 301 billion won (US$226.7 million), turning from
SEOUL, South Korea has experienced a continued slowdown in private consumption and investment due to high interest rates, though
SEOUL, A notorious home rental scammer convicted of defrauding 191 tenants of 14.8 billion won (US$11.2 million) after signing